quinta-feira, janeiro 02, 2014


1. está a chover a POTES. tenho de arranjar uma alternativa para estes dias foleiros, quem sabe inscrever-me num ginásio até à primavera...
2. estourei o meu tempo todo a navegar na internet. Até ao final do mês estou a auto-proibir-me de usar internet em casa a não ser para procurar artigos científicos. E amanhã tenho de fazer MONTES de coisas. pois é. Caramba, estou chateada comigo mesma.
3. ok - tinha o armário e coisas já bastante downsized, mas ainda assim, consegui reduzir mais porque não consegui perceber em algumas peças o que é que eu gostava. :)

[Into mind] upgrade your wardrobe in 30 minutes a day: a 2-week programme

MONDAY – Day 1
The first step to building a refined wardrobe is always to figure out exactly what elements you want it to include, in other words: to define a style concept. As a first order of business, grab a big piece of paper and divide it into four columns: Colour, Fit, Proportions, Details. You will be filling those columns as you go along and find out more and more about your exact likes. Treat it like your own personal style guide. Today’s assignment: Go through your closet and pick out every single piece that you are currently wearing on a regular basis and try to pinpoint what exactly it is that you like about them. Is it the pattern, the fit, the colour, the material? Note down your findings on your style guide.

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